How do I place an order?

Simply choose your color/size/option on the product page, then click the "Add To Cart" button and proceed to checkout.

    Do you ship internationally?

    Yes, we do! We have numerous satisfied clients all around the world and send hundreds of items every day.

    Do I get an order confirmation email?

    As soon as you finish the checkout procedure, we instantly send you a confirmation email. This indicates that your order has been entered into our system and that your payment card has been pre-authorized for the transaction. We immediately contact our suppliers to forward your order for prompt dispatch as soon as we receive it.

    Please make sure to type your email address correctly. If you didn't receive one, please do not worry. You can try these instead:

    • Check your eMail Spam folder
    • Check your bank statement
    • Or you may contact us so we can send you an email with your order details.

    I placed an order but i didn't receive a confirmation email...?

    Kindly check your SPAM folder to see if your confirmation email was sent there. This is a known issue for hotmail, msn, aol & some yahoo users. Gmail works the best when receiving important emails! 

    You can also contact our support team and they will be able to assist you further.

    Can I cancel or make changes to my order?

    CANCELLATIONS: Please be aware that after you make a purchase on our website, we are unable to cancel it since the item is sent straight to our warehouse for processing. The order is entered into our system permanently when it is placed.

    CHANGES: Changes are only accepted up until the order is processed on the same day that it is placed. If, after receiving your confirmation, you find that the shipping address is incorrect, please contact us immediately at shop@beelovy.com. While we will make every effort to implement the required adjustments, we cannot promise it. After your order is delivered to our fulfillment center, we are no longer able to make changes to it.

      My tracking number doesn't exist? 

      For International orders or orders saying the tracking doesn't exist, Please double check your tracking number is correct, secondly, make sure its your tracking number not your order number! Your tracking number is sent via email as your item is shipped.

      How secure is my personal information?

      When you check out and make a purchase from our online shop, BEELOVY protects your personal information by adhering to the highest industry standards.

      Secure socket layer (SSL) encrypts your credit card information while it is being transmitted. This industry-standard 256-bit encryption technology is often used on the Internet to process payments. Multinational banks employ an identical degree of encryption to protect your personal data.

      Questions? Concerns? 

      Please get in touch with us at any time with questions, complaints, or ideas for how we can improve if your problem is not included above. Send us a picture of your child looking adorable in their costume if you loved your order, and we'll consider featuring it on our Facebook or Instagram page! We adore hearing from you, and we sincerely value your input! Contact us at shop@beelovy.com at any time.

      Please allow 48-72 hours for us to reply to get back with you!

      Thanks you for shopping with us!